My entire left arm hives up in the most painful and itchy

I am 45. I have been outdoor all my life. Have have always had allergies and asthma, and always been a “rashy”, especially in spring when cattle horses are shedding and every thing is pollinating. I develop hives all over my body if I take oral prednisone or the medrol pack, so does my mom and my son. I know, we are weird. We are also sensitive to Latex.
8 years ago I was envenomated by a snake, and found out I am allergic to anti-venom. Then I lost all my natural hormones.
3 years ago I started monthly allergen injections to all fungus, molds, pollens that I am allergic too. I always have some mild flushing, or rashes. To try and make my immune system to ignore these allergies. Started HRT in April 2017

Well, in August 2017 my entire left arm hives up in the most painful and itchy itch I have ever known. I was in the wilderness for 3 weeks and couldn’t get to an air conditioned room or cold shower to help. I was bleeding so bad I hoped a bear would not find me. I suffered with this extreme hives August through December. also….. I have never ever had high blood pressure. With the hives I seemed to have also contracted high blood pressure, my hair was falling out, and my voice …. it has been gone since August as well. In December I decided to never go outside and stay in cold AC and take more Allegra (Dr upped it to 4 tablets a day!) and Zantac and some new one they knocked me out. The hives have lessened to maybe 4-6 new ones every other day, at least it is not severe every day. My internist has doubled my thyroid meds, back In December, but she thinks it will only fix my voice and hair, not the hives.

Anyone else so messed up?
Any suggestions as to what had helped you. Note, I know I cannot take medical “advice” just wondering what y’all have done.


JANE GILMORE CREEKMORE The only thing that has worked for me is xolair. I was on loads of antihistamines that did nothing. Prednisone was the only thing that kept them away until my 2nd to 3rd shot of xolair! Finally am able to wean off of steroids. It is a game changer and Im finally feeling normal for the first time in about 8 months. Good luck!

BARBARA IWAN You poor dear. Im so sorry. I hope they find a combination of meds that will help.

KAROLINA ANIA Get checked for lupus and hashimotos and please dont let them tell you that your thyroid is fine because your tsh is fine. I was told that for 2.5 yrs and I had chronic hives that entire time. Huge welts all over my head and entire body. Was in and out of the er until my sister had enough and paid out of pocket for a full blown thyroid panel, she found my hashimotos herself. Now Im taking thyroid pills, changed my diet and no more hives.

VICTORIA BENDETT You mentioned latex sensitivity- it also causes cross-reaction with a lot of food items – avocados, bananas, kiwi, etc. There numerous sites that have the list.

NATALIE SHEPPARD I know this is an old post, but I was searching the page for “Texas” to see if anyone had similar experiences close to where I live… mine look exactly like this!!! (I just scratched mine more. ) Heat makes mine soooo much worse! The photo is from January (something set me off!) much better now… but it is still a daily struggle even with meds & Xolair. I am hoping to start allergy shots soon!

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