Currently day 3 no hives.

I’m going to try tracking medication, make some changes to my diet and track my symptoms. I got this on Amazon, and really like the set-up. I’m still doing research on the Mito food plan that was recommended by my Naturopath and hope to start next week. Would anyone else be interested in joining me?

I thought maybe we could have a FB group for support. If you would rather do a different plan it would be okay too as we could compare. Just a thought, in addition to hives I am trying to lose weight.😏. Currently day 3 no hives.


Christi Nichols great idea!

Beth Carrier Fye Christi Nichols I’ll try to get something organized this weekend and let everyone know.

Lori Nicholson Can you message me the link on amazon
This is what I e been looking for for my daughter

Beth Carrier Fye Lori Nicholson sent it to you.

Myriam Cariman Acevedo Bennani Beth what a great idea! But do you have hives year round?? I noticed that I get hives mostly in spring. I live in MA once the pollen from the trees it’s in I’m at my worst so from the end of May till mid July I’m suffering but someday days are better than others. The humidity doesn’t help either

Beth Carrier Fye Myriam Cariman Acevedo Bennani there is no pattern to mine. I just went 10 years hive free. I took a different approach this time, as the norm for me is horrible hives for months or years with longterm prednisone or cyclosporin to get under control. This time I went to a Naturopath and am taking a lot supplements, but was able to successfully get off the short course of prednisone. She also suggested this Mito food plan. .

Myriam Cariman Acevedo Bennani That’s awesome 👏🏻 and good for you for being on top of it and keeping track of it

Beth Carrier Fye Set up group and calling it Wellness Journey. It won’t be just for those of us for hives but also other autoimmune diseases, or other health challenges. I think we have to be friends for me to invite, so keep and eye out.

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