We tried this combination directly on his hives

Today we tried this combination directly on his hives and it really helped! Didn’t make them go away, but relieved a lot of the itching. Just thought I’d share for anyone else who is struggling!

He hasn’t been able to see an allergist yet, but he was seen by urgent care locally and they refilled his Prednisone. It is taking care of the hives for the most part. They are still popping up everywhere, but much smaller. Pea sized compared to tennis ball.


Beth Wilcox I agree on the witch hazel for sure calming the skin. Not a cure, but soothing. I use an alcohol-free one.
Why did it take me 60+ years to buy witch hazel? (should have paid attention to my grandma; she used it!)

Tom Hamer Hand lotion helps

Kimberley Morris The allergy specialist that I saw said I have no allergies (he didn’t even test me) that I have an autoimmune disorder brought on by stress. I do struggle with anxiety…and the hives are creating MORE anxiety for me….sigh.

Sue Bee Kimberley Morris ridiculous he didn’t test you. I’m an anxious person and I know the viscous cycle of stress causing hives. My body’s new trick is lip swelling along with hives and it gives me major anxiety. I still believe there is a root cause/allergy for me.

Kimberley Morris Sue Bee I get horrible lip swelling too!! The ER doctor that I saw last week (because of the swelling in my lips and tongue) is sending a referral for another specialist. Huge anxiety!

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