I get super large hives like golf ball size

So normally I get super large hives. Like golf ball to softball size. As of the last few days they’ve been coming in like this and within an hour I’m covered. They don’t itch.. They burn. So bad. I took an ice bath after taking this and it made it worse. Does anyone have recommendations on antihistamines that work better than others? I had to find a new allergist and my appointment isnt until the end of the month so I need something to hold me over.
Also does anyone else ever cringe/get annoyed when people tell you to use calamine or benadryl lotions..like you haven’t tried that a million times?


Mel Mack have you tried meds other than antihistamines. i’m having good results with singulair (montelukast). those hives in your photo look like what I was getting. Also, ask your doctor for a cortesone ceam

Courtney Ann I tried calamine lotion and wanted it to work so bad 😩 I bathed myself in it almost lol. But at one point, in the height of my worst hives, I took 5 Benadryl a night (125 mg). Don’t recommend it unless you have a high tolerance like I did. It’s the only thing that helped me go to bed sometimes. Maybe try putting some lotion you like/don’t react to in the fridge? Oh but you got worse with cold..

Amitesh N Sheekha Jit Something that will calm it down gradually and may make u clear is prednisone…u can probably go to urgent care or ER to get immediate relief..over the counter stuff personally doesn’t work for me..I am also on Zolair which has been a miracle drug that kept me clear!

Rachelle Elizabeth That’s what my hives look like. I find telnase works best for me. I’m in Aus.

Bianca Prieto Try bendryl until u see a dr to see what causes them its a long journey ahead of us

Kay Graves I take two benadryl at a time and it does nothing sadly. Prednisone makes me violently ill

Cassie Rh My doc told me I can take 1 Zyrtec in am, 1 Claritin mid day and 1 benedryl at night. She said her 6 year old daughter even had to do that once. Best of luck to you. And, yes, I cringe when people have their idea of an epiphany as to what will work. We have literally tried everything. Ugh.

Kay Graves I take two benadryl at a time and it does nothing sadly. Prednisone makes me violently ill

Cassie Rh My doc told me I can take 1 Zyrtec in am, 1 Claritin mid day and 1 benedryl at night. She said her 6 year old daughter even had to do that once. Best of luck to you. And, yes, I cringe when people have their idea of an epiphany as to what will work. We have literally tried everything. Ugh.

Jen Neuhaus I take benadryl every 6 hours. Also doxepin at night. The allergist I seen at mayo in rochester did not want me to take benadryl but it’s the only thing that is working and preventing me from using prednisone.

Kay Graves I had to come to work like this. Luckily I have mastered a blend that covers hives and contoured my eyes enough to almkst look normal. I really don’t want to go on xolair again until they know more long term effects. I’m so depressed today

Bianca Prieto Me too i cant leave home with out making i don’t get looked weird and this has definetely help my deprsession worst

Autumn Lee I am currently waiting to get approved for xolair. Every morning and night I do an Allegra,a claratin,a zantac. I also take Quercitin with Nettles and bromelain 3 times a day

Maria Saavedra I found some relief using white vinagre i soak a piece o cotton an rub put it where the hives are it feels funny but whit in minutes you will feel better an the hive will disappear good luck to you

Lisa Krafft I only ever get the small hives and the dermographism. They burn 50% of the time and itch the other 50%. I did a round of Prednisone and it didn’t help at all. I am currently trying probiotics and hives are still the same. Atarax at night helps, but I can’t take that shit during the day – too sleepy. I also take Zyrtec, Zantac, & Benadryl. It keeps it down to a tolerable level for most of the day. It just depends. Tonight was worse than usual. Not sure why. BTW, I told my boss today that I still have hives and she said “Well I don’t see any hives.” I should have pulled up my shirt and showed her my belly – lol!

Crystal Riehl I got a lot of relief with a cannabis salve, you can find it on etsy. Doesn’t reduce the hives, but it decreased the pain/itching immensely! I went over 2 years before being approved for Xolair, & I’ve been hive free since 3 days after my first injection. I hope you can find some relief, this disease is awful & I truly wish you the best!

Kay Graves Luckily my boss is sympathetic. When he saw me today he just grabbed me and gave me a huge hug. I think he could tell i was crying all morning. I was on xolair and it helped a ton. I’m just nervous of the side effects.

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