My skin looks horrible even when the hives are gone

I have cellulite with the hive but the red patches I cant deal with my skin is different shades it looks horrible

My skin looks horrible even when the hives are gone. Its so discoloured I have red patches all over but they are not raised like a hive looks like a bruise but all over my body. Anyone know of any creams or anything that can take this away? Its summer here now and ive accepted that I look like I have cellulite with the hive but the red patches I cant deal with my skin is different shades it looks horrible, thanks to those that will help


Nanette Petrus Khatileya
I feel your pain, I have it too. Would be so nice if anything can help take it away.

Kristine McIntyre
I have purpleish looking bruises on my arms right now too

Chantelle Tendekai Mangunda

Mine are all over my body arms legs everything and its so hot I cant wear clothes that really cover so its super noticeable

Sarah King
Did this happen from the hives?

Chantelle Tendekai Mangunda

Its where they used to be. The hive dissapears but the skin underneath looks reddish purple once the hives have gone away, ive had it for a few day now.

Beatrice Hurley
Chantelle Mangunda Mine turn white after a month or so

Louise French
I’ve had this too, finally gone into remission and with not having the hives constantly it has faded, barely noticeable now x

Chantelle Tendekai Mangunda
Hoping I go into remission soon, thinking of changing dermatologists cause mine right now keeps saying its stress and the medication is not working at all.

Bonnie Schultz
I just tried to be creative with pretty clothing while my skin healed
I was grateful to be free of the insanity of the itching and looked at the bruising as a transition symptom
I hope they fade soon for you

Joyce Rosenblatt
My dermatologist recommended DerMend. There is one for bruises and one for fragile skin. At the drug store.

Chantelle Tendekai Mangunda
Thank you I will look for it

Sandy Moallemian
Arnica cream is helpful

Brandi Luebke Bartlett
When mine do this I rub aloe all over and it helps!

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