If any of you also have sinus allergies

Any ideas what I can take/do to help in the mean time?

Not sure if any of you also have sinus allergies, but I’m having a hard time over here. I am off all of my allergy medicine until Wednesday for testing, and I can’t sleep bc I am having post nasal drip causing me to cough 😫 he said I could still use my Flonase but it’s not quite cutting it. Any ideas what I can take/do to help in the mean time? I am sleeping ( or not really sleeping) in the recliner to keep elevated. I have some codiene cough syrup but don’t think that will really help with this type of cough. I’m drowning in snot!


Jackie Best Crowe
I have sinus allergies too! Sometimes Sudafed and/or a netti pot helps me.

Jennifer Wallace Scott
Jackie Best Crowe oooooh I didn’t think about doing the sinus rinse. I will try that and see if it helps. I live in a bad areas for seasonal allergies

Nicole JL
Get a purmist! It’s a hospital grade steam treatment and works wonders. You can get it at Target or Amazon. So worth the money!

Laurie Newman
What about Zyrtec or Allegra

Jennifer Wallace Scott
Laurie Newman having got refrain from antihistamines as I’m having my skin allergy test Wednesday

Laurie Newman
Jennifer Wallace Scott I was wondering the same thing I’m having a skin allergy test on Thursday do I need to stop taking all my meds

Jennifer Wallace Scott
Laurie Newman yes I was told to stop for a whole week. It’s been a fun few days 😫

Jennifer Wallace Scott
Well he said I could keep taking singulair and Flonase and he put me on prednisone to battle the hives until then.

Laurie Newman
Jennifer Wallace Scott I didn’t know that I’m freaked out now to I definitely feel your pain

Laurie Newman
I can’t take prednisone it gives me migraines

Jennifer Wallace Scott
I’d def call tomorrow if you’ve still been taking them.

Laurie Newman
Jennifer Wallace Scott yes I’m gonna call tomorrow I hope it doesn’t mess anything up I’m still taking Allegra it says to stop taking it I was reading about it a week before your test

Jennifer Wallace Scott
Laurie Newman I think 5 days was the minimum. Did you take it today?

Laurie Newman
Jennifer Wallace Scott I just called my allergist they said they are not going to do the skin test they’re only gonna do blood test I could stay on my medication

Jennifer Wallace Scott
Laurie Newman yay thats awesome!

Laurie Newman
Jennifer Wallace Scott I know I was freaked out to go off my medication

Barbara Hanna
A sinus rinse might help. Or just saline nasal spray.

Gwen Joan Irvine
I have sinus issues too. Didn’t really think the two were linked. Maybe they are.

Sarah Daniels
I have a nasal spray

Jennifer Wallace Scott
Sarah Daniels only 2 more days

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