Why Am I Covered in Hives?

It’s not normal to have hives, and it’s a pretty bad feeling when it happens. If you’ve ever woken up with hives (also called urticaria), you know how annoying and embarrassing it can be. I had never heard of hives until my fifth-grade playground scrapes led to my face swelling up like Rocky Dennis from Mask. Since then, I get hives about four times a year for reasons unknown to me; thankfully my good friend Google has information about why I am covered in hives, as well as how to treat this poorly understood medical problem…..

Why Am I Covered in Hives?

We get it. You’re covered in hives, and you want to know why.

Let’s start by saying that your hives aren’t going to kill you. That may sound like a relief, but what does it mean? It means that your body is doing exactly what it should be doing in this situation: responding to an irritant.

Hives are caused by histamine, which gets released from white blood cells when they’re activated by an allergen or other stimulus. Histamine then causes the capillaries under your skin to dilate and leak fluid into them, which causes redness and swelling.

It’s no fun to be covered in hives, but there are a few things you can do to make the experience more bearable.

  • First, make sure that you’re drinking enough water. Dehydration can cause hives, and it can also make them harder to get rid of.
  • Second, try taking an antihistamine if you have one on hand. Most over-the-counter drugs will help with the itching and swelling caused by hives. Just be sure to follow the instructions on the bottle some people react badly to them, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.
  • Finally, see a doctor if your hives are severe or lasting longer than two days. They may be caused by an underlying health condition that needs treatment!

Well, depending on where they are on your body, there could be several different things going on. If they’re on your face and neck, especially around the eyes you might have a food allergy or sensitivity to something in your environment (like pollen). If they’re more widespread, you could have an infection somewhere else in your body that’s causing itchy rashes in addition to hives (like strep throat). And if they’re all over and don’t go away after 48 hours of taking antihistamines like Benadryl

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