I have been asked 5 times at work is that a ring worm?

Took my last prednisone on Saturday, gained 10 pounds and now I’m starting to breakout again🙄 it’s just the start I have these circles in my legs too.. I’ve been asked 5 times at work “is that a ring worm!?” Nope just my hives starting to flare up. “Are you sure? It looks just like a ring worm” yes I am positive it’s my hives, I know my body better than you😝


LINDA FRIGO MCDARIS I can’t tell you how many times people have thought my hives were ring worms. Even a nurse at an ENT office said it. Yours look just like mine. I’ve been on the Zolair shot for a year after 13 years of breakouts that continually got worse. I’m taking a daily probitic, zantac, singular at night. Zertec when needed and I’m doing doing MUCH better. I cut out all forms of peanuts and wine. I figured out those were two of my triggers besides sun, heat and stress. Good luck.

KATIE PEARSON I have 14 days til my allergy appointment and I cant wait to find my triggers so I can add them to my allergy immunotherapyfingers crossed they can figure it out! This girl at my job is dead set I just have ringworms I am like noooo believe me I wish it was a ring worm lol

JENNIFER THACKER What is immunotherapy?

KATIE PEARSON Its an allergy shot I take every other day for 3 years and I am supposed to be immune to my allergies for 12 years. I was on month 2 but I quit doing them until I figure out the hive situation

BRITTANY FOX Mine looked like that and i as well gained 10lbs or more ­ with prednisone

JENNIFER MIGNANELLI HALAHURICH I used to get round itchy spots on my legs for years. I thought it was ringworm too. My dr at the time said eczema. I dont get it any more just hives on m chest, stomach, head, arms etc lol. Oh and angio edema.

CHERYL ADAMS When I took a week of prednisone it was the only time in 5 years I have been hive free, but 24 hours after my last dose I was covered with head to toe hives for 5 days over Christmas! I looked like a burn patient.

ISABELLA BRODERICK How long did u take the prednisone? I’m going to take for 30 days then stop let’s see what happened. Hopefully remission.

CHERYL ADAMS Mine was only for a week 1 25mg 3 times a day for 3 days, then 2 times a day for 2 days and 1 for the last day. Then 24 hours after that last dose I had the worst hive breakout I’d ever had. Decided the outbreak afterwards was not worth the one week in five years hive free. And I realized I can’t stay on the steroid as maintenance. Too many long term side effects risks for me.

TAMMY THOMAS SUIRE Always a rebound after taking prednisone. I refuse to take it. But I did take a steroid shot yesterday for a bad respiratory infection. I wonder if I’ll have repercussions from that

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