I am not sure when the Chronic uticaria started

My tongue was the very 1st sign I noticed

Hi I’m new to the group. Im not sure when the Chronic uticaria started but I noticed maybe 3 or 4 hive bumps around the beginning or middle of November and everything just went down hill
My tongue was the very 1st sign I noticed, and then the chronic hives every single day since November 26th. And then about 2-3 weeks ago, The facial swelling started. Last Wednesday My PCP did an allergy test via bloodwork, everything came back normal except my cholesterol was a bit high. He prescribed me Zyrtec( I haven’t taken it yet) Last Friday, I had to take an ambulance to the ER because my throat was closing up and the right side of my face was swollen and I was administered a steroid shot and Benadryl. I was also prescribed prednisone, and I got my epipen. This Monday, I saw the allergist, and I was officially diagnosed but she’s going to do some further test via bloodwork to rule out any underlying cause . She prescribed me Xoilar. I have yet to take it because when I took the prednisone for those 4 days, the hives stopped. I haven’t gotten any crazy symptoms since I’ve taken the prednisone from Saturday-Wednesday. However I did get hives yesterday but it was very mild, in one spot, and didn’t itch as bad. I’m not sure what my triggers are but I’m sure it’s linked to hot, cold, & stress. I’ve also been have gastro acid reflux issues around the same time, not sure If they’re linked?


Meredith League Pretzie
Take the meds so you can get some relief, sorry you are dealing with this… But this group is amazing!

Kimberly Daniels
Meredith League Pretzie it is amazing, in learning so much already

Phe Phe
Good the prednisone worked for you . I hated taking it because it didn’t work for me. I’ve been on xolair for 3 months and that’s the best thing going for me . I haven’t had any urticaria or angioedema since my first shot

Kimberly Daniels
Phylicia Sipp a shot 😩 I thought it was pills

Phe Phe
Kimberly Daniels I get mine in the back of my arms

Elaine Palmer
I think the acid reflux is related to the histamine produced in the stomach. As histamine released in the stomach causes you stomach to release more stomach acid. Just another side kick symptom from the flare up. I would take the Zyrtec and see if In helps keep hives at bay.

Welcome Hiver! Xolair, Zyrtec, gut health, keeping body temp lower, wear light weight materials and loose clothing, low histamine diet.

Kimberly Daniels
DoGo US wow I didn’t know that

Kimberly New
Kimberly Daniels I’ve seen a huge difference when o changed my diet to low histamine !!! Being a southern it’s hard 😂 but it worked I also started a low sodium diet and that’s had double my progress lost 20lbs and hardly any hives ♥️

Kimberly Daniels I’ve done a ridiculous amount of research and gut health is key! After the new year I’m doing a 3 day fast to attempt to reset my immune system. Unfortunately you cannot only depend on doctors with this disorder. I’ve been to the best doctors NYC has and nothing worked fully. You should get an allergist and start Xolair as soon as you can. My insurance would not approve it until the hives were present for at least 8 weeks. I also take a Zantac everyday with a Zyrtec.

Kimberly Daniels
Kimberly New that’s what I’m going to try to do, it’s gonna b so hard. I have a bad temptation with food

Kimberly Daniels
DoGo US I’m gonna start my Zyrtec tomorrow. I did see an allergist; she’s gonna put me on xoilar in 4 weeks. I started to get hives around 5 today. I felt so irritated, wand up taking a Benadryl. I went about 3 days without taking any meds.

Kimberly New
Kimberly Daniels girl me too😂 I allow one cheat day or maybe 2

Kimberly New
Kimberly Daniels I take b-12 for 2 weeks off and on ginseng and iron 2 weeks off and on with my allergy meds everyone is different

Alisa Fogelberg Messeroff
Prednisone almost killed me. I became suicidal on it. It is the devils drug and honestly I would take anything over Prednisone. I have no idea of the side effects at the time I was taking it. I thought I was depressed because I was miserable and in so much pain but an angel was watching over me and I was able to taper off prednisone after 6 months of trying. I went into remission for 4 months and got my life back, after a few weeks of not taking prednisone it’s like life was good again. My brain wasn’t foggy, I was happy.
I am currently taking Chinese herbs and the hives stay 99% at bay. Maybe try a naturopath?

Alisa Fogelberg Messeroff I completely agree with you about the Chinese herbs. I wasn’t able to take Prednisone b/c it raises blood sugar so I just suffered until I was able to get Xolair shots. Here’s the herbs that I take. I would be interested in find out which herbs helped you specifically.

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